Horsemanship Geared For The Barrel Racer

As the barrel racing world has grown and the level of competitiveness has increased, the need to utilize every angle we can to be competitive has become critical. Due in part to the specialized bloodlines for barrel horses, training programs, fitness and therapy programs, etc; It's amazing to see how much our sport has grown and improved over even just the last ten years. Horsemanship itself isn't anything new, but in an event with every thousandth of a second that counts, I've seen the great need for horsemanship as it applies to barrel racing to help utilize our horses and be competitive in today's competition. Through the years, I've been approached over and over to help barrel racers with a problem that they were having. Every time, the solution stemmed back to horsemanship. That's when O Bar O Horsemanship - Horsemanship Geared For The Barrel Racer was born.
Growing up, I had some incredible opportunities to ride and work under some of the best horsemen and women in my area. As a horse crazed little girl growing up, their knowledge and insight not only fueled my love for horses and competing but with their guidance, a new love and passion grew; horsemanship. As I say in my clinics, if you could sum up Horsemanship into three words, I'd say it's comprised of FEEL, TIMING, and BALANCE. It's my goal with my clinics to help my students have a thorough understanding of these three things and see how they all directly relate to their horse and barrel racing. For anything to be successful, it's important to have a solid foundation. Keeping that in mind, I've taken what I've learned through my years and what maneuvers I felt were the most key elements in my barrel horses from the start to the finish and that's when the Foundation of Maneuvers were formed.
Lack of good communication and not operating under unwilling submission is one of the most common problems that I see while conducting my clinics. It's my goal to help my student's have a better understanding and communication with their horses all while learning to operate under willing submission. Oftentimes we are unaware to what we are relaying to our horses. With this clinic, I hope to bring an awareness to the rider to just what they are really communicating to their horses.
Horsemanship Geared For The Barrel Racer Clinic's are not your ordinary barrel racing clinics.
One of the most profound quotes I've heard relating to horses came from a mentor, Wade Black. "Are you forcing the body or are you influencing the soul?" It's my goal to help you see just how incredible "influencing the soul" can be.

Upcoming Clinics:
June 10 - 1 Day Bootcamp (Alumni only)
$150 total cost ($50 deposit)
Limit 8
June 10 - 12 - Horsemanship Geared For The Barrel Racer Clinic
Cost - $325 ($125 deposit)
Limit 10
Clayton Graham Indoor Arena, Baker, Montana
Fall 2022 Dates To Be Announced
Contact for additional information or if you'd be interested in hosting a clinic.
This last weekend, I had the privilege of attending an O Bar O Horsemanship Geared For The Barrel Racer clinic given by Andrea Huft. I would recommend this clinic to any rider who wants to improve their horsemanship. The fundamental elements of horsemanship and how they correlate to the barrel pattern is EYE OPENING!! After Andrea explains and demonstrates each element, the clinic participants are worked with individually ensuring the concept is understood and can be executed before moving on to the next. And finally applying the horsemaship elements tot he barrel pattern. It is amazing to see the difference in every horse and rider at the end of the clinic. Any rider, whteher a seasoned barrel racer or a beginner rider can benefit from Andrea's clinics. Do yourself and horse a favor and get to the next clinic! - Mickie Stuart, Montana
This past weekend, we spent our time at the Clayton Graham arena near Baker, MT at a barrel clinic. Andrea did an OUTSTANDING job teaching, explaining and demonstrating each technique. Isn't it funny how sometimes we forget the foundations of the sport of rodeo and that is horsemanship! If you are looking for an interactive foundational clinic, I would 100% recommend O Bar O Horsemanship, LLC. Andrea, thank you for sharing your knowledge with Autumn. We will be back! - Jody Sackman, North Dakota